The latest economic impact statistics released by the West Virginia Tourism Office confirmed what we already knew about our friends in Jefferson County...they are kicking butt when it comes to attracting visitors! The overall economic impact of tourism to West Virginia is $4.1 billion annually. Of that, $942 million comes from the eastern panhandle. Jefferson County alone accounts for $905 million in annual economic impact to West Virginia. That’s 20% of the entire state out of just one county!! The second largest contributor is Kanawha County with $565 million annually.
Jefferson County has seen strong growth over the last several years while the rest of the state is flat or down. Tourism supports over 7,000 jobs and generates over $11 million in local taxes and $172 million in state taxes.
Stonewall is thrilled to be a partner with Annette Gavin and her team at the Jefferson County Convention & Visitors Bureau and the many attractions, lodging and dining partners throughout the county.